Easter Sweets and treats.
The sun is shining, the trees are full of budding leaves and the promise of a beautiful seaside summer, there’s even a bird nesting in my parent’s bird box… it can only mean one thing – Easter is nearly here!
Our sweet shop is busy, buzzing and happy and that’s just how we like it. Fizzy sweets, jelly sweets, chocolates and retro sweets are flying out of the door, some to be enjoyed straight away and some to help the Easter Bunny keep his basket nice and full of delicious goodies.
Goodness but this year has flown by… we love this time of year, it’s real reason for celebration for us and here’s why. It seems hard to believe that our business is nearly 3 years old – on Monday we celebrate properly! In fact, if you’re in Sidmouth do pop in as we’re running a free prize draw which you won’t want to miss 🙂
With the support of our fab home town (Sidmouth, you are amazing and we love you!) we have grown massively over the last three years into a really exciting and dynamic business. It’s taken a lot of work from all the family and our super smiley staff, Sophie and Emma but we are fighting fit and ready for the next three years! So, what’s changed since we opened our door for the first time in 2014? Well, we only really need to look at the huge increase in stock, both American candy and Loose jars – in fact I read a blog this morning from April 2014 which talks about having 180 sweet jars… we now have over 300… We’re now delivering our sweets throughout the UK via our website (more on that in a mo) and through our weekend local delivery service.
I mentioned our website – that has just celebrated 2 years since it’s launch and we love it.
If you haven’t already, check it out at www.daffydowndilly.co.uk. We have fab support form Jason our Webmaster and together we are out to conquer Google!
This year we have launched our products onto Amazon and Ebay both of which platforms are proving very exciting.
Actually, when I look at all of that, that’s pretty good going for 3 years and I have to say I’m super excited for the future too – watch this space – we’re ready, are you?
So never forget folks – we really can do anything and dreams really can come true.
Big thanks go to all of our amazing customers and friends, Sophie and Emma for their smiles, awesome customer service and hard work, my Mum and Dad for starting me off on this incredible journey, being the best support there is and providing motivation when I start flagging, my husband Rob for putting up with me spending an awful lot of time on Google analytics and image sizes and talking about sweets most of the time, Jason for his patience and perseverance, and my daughter Katie and son Tom for just being themselves.
Team Daffy – awesome top to bottom!