There can’t be many affordable presents that are as well received as a wicker hamper crammed full with the recipient’s favourite treats. Quite often gift hampers contain items that you love to have but they’re a bit of a luxury. So you don’t buy them very often for yourself. They’re fabulous to receive as a present because they’re a very special treat and that makes you feel very special too.
The word ‘hamper’ comes from the Anglo-French word ‘hanapier’, meaning ‘case to hold a drinking vessel’. They were originally used hundreds of years ago to transport food and wine on long journeys. Because they were made of wicker and were consequently much lighter than solid wood cases but still durable. And because they were by design, ventilated.
Hampers were traditionally used to carry food on journeys into areas where the quality of local food was not up to the standard required by wealthy travellers. Food hampers were, and still are, also given by families and companies to house-staff or employees at certain times of the year. Or on special occasions. Years ago, quite often those particular hampers would have contained basic food items rather than the luxury items found in them today.
It’s believed it was the famous London store, Fortnum and Mason that in the 1730s, at the request of wealthy customers, first started meeting a growing demand by delivering luxury food hampers. Employees of the company were later discovered to be sending Fortnum & Mason hampers to friends and relatives as gifts. And so the company twigged on and started offering the service themselves. And so the tradition of having delivered, on special occasions, a beautiful luxury hamper filled with special food and/or drink products became a tradition.
It’s now a very well established tradition to send a gift hamper, particularly at Christmas time.
Nowadays many companies offer to deliver hampers filled with all manner of products, not just food. Although the traditional luxury food and drink hamper is still probably the most popular. Candy hampers and sweet hampers supplied at very reasonable prices are becoming well sort after to. With specialist confectioners offering a broad selection containing not only chocolate but also speciality goodies such as retro sweets and American candy.
Hampers aren’t always wicker these days either. DaffyDownDilly continue to use wicker for their larger hampers but they also use super modern recyclable boxes for some of their range.
If you would like to consider sending someone special a gift hamper containing their favourite sweets or candy for Christmas or some other occasion, you should visit www.daffydowndilly.co.uk.There you can view the delightful selection of affordable ones they have on offer.
Best wishes,