Red Sweets are popular all though the year and have a natural boost around Valentines Day as romantic and themed gifts are delivered throughout the country.
Our Favourite? Thats’s an easy one – we love soft and squishy red lips Jelly sweets

Deliciously soft and fruity lip shaped sweets, they are a brilliant red with a mouthwatering flavour.

Red sweets
And next on our list, stunning twist kisses – dome shaped sweets with a soft texture and good flavour. We just love the striping though, it’s so attractive and distinctive and makes these jelly treats perfect for decorating cakes for birthdays.

Super popular Paintball red sweets are a winner too. Soft and delicious strawberry flavoured marshmallow with a sugar coating… awesome! And as marshmallow sweets are lighter than the average, you get rather a lot of these stunners!

Our red sweets cone bags are perfect for party favours! If you have a red themed event we can help. Made to order just for you and available in two sizes with free personalisation we can help you make your event truly memorable.

And here are red sweets that perhaps you weren’t expecting us to include! Bonds red liquorice sticks are absolutely yum with a cherry flavour and beautiful yellow decorations to one end. Not just for liquorice fans these ones – they have a firm texture and are well worth including in your pick and mix.

Of course, we have to include some fizzy sweets too don’t we? And our pick of the sweets treats for this? Red fizzy strawberry pencils – remember these? Finger licking strawberry flavour that we all love and enjoy combines with eye-catching red and white colours. And of course, if you’re not a fizzy fan, strawberry pencils are also available without the fizzy coating – which one of our red sweets will you choose?